Accountants Accountable

The current survey:

We are asking about signs of imperialism in the upper ranks in your facility this week.

You can go to the survey here or by clicking on "More" below.

(note: all respondents are confidential; the software is programmed in such a way that neither we nor anyone else can determine who responded)

We last asked about imperialism where you work.

89% of respondents were from North America

When asked, "Does your facility have reserved parking for anyone other than the handicap, customers and honorees (those that have done something like win a safety award)?" 78% said "NO"

When asked, "Through location, or other subtle hints, is it clear at your facility that employees considered below a certain status are not welcome in the 'executive enclave'?", 33% said "YES"

When asked, "When was the last time you saw the top person on your site come to your work area with a true inquisitive intent (that is, not just walking through on their way somewhere else)?" The responses were

Within the last week 44%
Within the last month 12%
Within the last 6 months 20%
I can't remember 24%

Narrative comments are available in "Letters from our readers".

Thank you for your participation.


Want to be heard on other subjects? Be sure to watch for "Paperitalo Second Tuesday Surveys."