Do you think your CEO exhibits psychopathic traits?

In my column last week, we asked "Have you ever had to sign and certify that you had done a certain task you had been assigned by your boss?"

45.5% answered "Yes," and 54.5% said "No."

Next, we asked "Do you think it is a good idea to have subordinates certify they have completed certain tasks with their signature?:

One hundred percent answered "Yes."

After that, we asked "Answer only if you are involved in routine shutdowns in your mill or have direct knowledge of such procedures. Does your mill enforce a sign off policy as was described in the column?"

Of those who answered, there was an even split between "Yes" and No."

Finally, we asked, "Do you think your CEO exhibits psychopathic traits?"

27.3% replied "Yes," and the remaining 72.7% said "No."

Take this week's quiz here.

Jim goes over the Quiz results during the Tech Center Show on Pulp & Paper Radio International every Monday.