Generational Gems

Last week we asked about your mill's media experiences.  The answers broke out as follows:


1. Has the local media (television, radio, newspaper) produced a story on your facility in the last three (3) years? 60% said YES.

2. If yes, what was the cause? 1/3 said "disaster"; 1/3 said "good news"; 1/3 said "expansion."

3. 67% rated the media coverage "fair".  33% said "good".

This week we are asking you about your math experiences. You can take the quiz here or click on "More" below.

Want to get a jump on the surveys? Follow me on twitter, where they are posted early. You can do this here. (note: all respondents are confidential; the software is programmed in such a way that neither we nor anyone else can determine who responded)


Want to be heard on other subjects? Be sure to watch for "Paperitalo Second Tuesday Surveys."