Light Green Machine

Hi Jim;

I registered today for the 2011 LGM Conference and look forward to an interesting weekend. 

In the spirit of still actively supporting the LGM Initiative, I was hoping there'll be a discussion on using computer design and 'tension design' concepts to replace heavy press and dryer frame castings, etc. with high-strength light-weight structures - similar to high-speed marine vehicles, automobiles, bridges and other weight-critical, dynamically loaded structures - but using materials such as (duplex) stainless steels with 60-70 ksi yield strength and that need no corrosion allowance.  The design intent is to lighten press and dryer supports (frames) without losing stiffness/stability and fatigue resistance - standard design objectives for lightweight marine and automobile designs.  By my preliminary estimate, as with cast iron dryers, the resulting structures would be at least 50% lighter than steel castings and fabrications and up to 80% lighter than iron castings - they're that conservatively designed.  And SS requires no painting!  

Much of this may be covered anyway in the listed presentations on 'Steel structures' and 'Aluminum structures'.  If not, I could prepare something on combining computer design capability with modern stainless steels to slim down those bulky frames and support structures, depending on the deadlines. 

Let me know your thoughts, and congratulations in advance on a successful conference. 

Best regards,

Dave Bennett

Mahwah, New Jersey





... 1/15-16 is on my calendar (The Light Green Machine Conference)


George Mead

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin




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