Would you consider using "Ignore No More?"

In my column last week, we asked, "Will you consider using 'Ignore No More?'"

All respondents agreed they would not use it in the workplace, three quarters of those who responded said they would not use it at all, while a quarter said they might consider using it at home.

We also asked, "Can you think of any harmful unintended consequences from installing "Ignore No More"?"

Here are some of the responses:

> A parent that has to use this needs to improve their parenting skills just as does a manager needing to improve leadership skills.

> I don't like treating people like a child any more than I like being treated as a child. If you treat adults like children, they will respond like children or they will leave.

> If I had to use that app at home - the kids would find themselves paying for their own cellphones - thus they would not have one. If I had to use that app at work, the employee would find himself paying for his own phone too - and working for someone else.

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