GEORGIA (From news reports) -- Glynn County police are investigating a body found in a retention pond at Georgia Pacific's facility in Brunswick, Friday, 7 January 2022.
According a statement released by the Glynn County Police Department, at around 7:50 a.m. this morning the Glynn Brunswick 911 Center received a call of a possible deceased person at Brunswick Cellulose, which is located at 1400 9th Street just off U.S. Highway 341.
As of 1:20 p.m., the police and Glynn County Fire Rescue were still working on recovering the remains.
"Due to the nature of the chemicals and use of the pond, recovery of the remains is delayed to ensure the health and safety of all police and fire personnel," The statement read.
Once recovered, the remains will be sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation medical examiner's office for autopsy to determine cause and manner of death, according to police.