EPA Comment Period for International Paper - Riegelwood Mill

EPA Comment Period for International Paper - Riegelwood Mill | International Paper, emissions, environment,

International Paper - Riegelwood Mill has applied to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (DAQ), Permitting Section, to make modifications to the facility located at 865 John L. Riegel Road, Riegelwood in Columbus County. The proposed modification revises a previously established BACT for CO for the No. 5 Power Boiler (ID No. ES-PB5), in addition to shutting down a number of permitted emission sources as part of the Mill Reconfiguration Project as described in Air Permit Application No. 2400036.24B.

The modification is subject to review and processing under North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Title 15A, Subchapter 02D, Section .0530 "Prevention of Significant Deterioration", and Subchapter 02Q, Section .0500 "Title V procedures". The facility is an existing "major stationary source" for at least one regulated NSR pollutant The proposed modification will not result in a significant net emissions increase of CO, but PSD review is required due to the revision of an existing BACT.

The International Paper - Riegelwood Mill application has been reviewed by the DAQ, Air Quality Permitting Section in Raleigh, North Carolina to determine compliance with the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission air pollution regulations.

A preliminary review, including analysis of the impact of the facility emissions on local air quality, has led to the determination that the facility can be approved, and the DAQ air permit issued, if certain permit conditions are met.

Columbus County is classified as an attainment area for all pollutants. Compliance with all ambient air quality standards and the PSD increments is projected.

EPA comment period begins on December 20, 2024 and will run through February 3, 2025.

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